Fit4performingarts strives to help dancers stay healthy and fit – physically and mentally
The physical and mental demands of dancers have increased in the last years, therefore today’s dance training needs new approaches. Dance technique training alone is insufficient to cover these diverse needs – other methods coming from the field of sport science have produced promising regimes. Important for me are wise training plans and sufficient recovery time and methods. With these two components dancers will physicalla and mentally excel on stage.

To reach this goal different training concepts from the realm of sport science may help in addition. Applied in a progressive way, adapted to the individual needs and periodized they will guarantee success.
Besides periodized training sessions, rest and other recovery measures including mental health wellness are the main ingredients of success.
Excel on stage
The combination of training and rest in a balanced way promises to improve your performance on stage and helps to reduce sustainably the risk of injury without altering the aesthetics of dance.
Invest daily in the physical and mental health and wellbeing of dancers – only healthy dancers will dance exceptionally and for a long period.

I aim to support dancers, dance pedagogues, artistic directors in all aspects of prevention and management of dance specific injury, conditioning and intend to provide an outstanding online and on-site service to dancers. My approach will be evidence-based practices that are innovative yet respect tradition.
My passion for the implementation of health and fitness programs as well as mental awareness sources for dancers shall be contagious and the investment in the health of dancers at dance institutions in Switzerland become a normality.
The following three aspects are part of the mission: education, teaching and consultations.
I support dancers with a tool-box full of prevention measures to improve your personal fitness potential:
- online fitness pograms
- body conditiong programs live or on demand on videos
- pre-fabricated relaxation programs on demand on videos
- indivdiual 1:1 personal trainings live or via Zoom
- company training or workshops on demand
Rehabilitation programs:
- back to stage rehabilitation program
I consult dance institutions for the practical implementation of health projects for dancers from a sport scientific point of view.
Organisation of a health care team
Organisation of health care suite
Optimisation of training plans
Periodization of the performance season
Periodization of dance school curriculae

1. With empathy & humour
I strive to inspire, transform and connect emotionally with my clients. I highly believe in a joyful atmosphere in which your physical and psychological development stands in the foreground. Within this realm your full potential can blossom.
2. At eye level
I value a collaborative exchange, nurture open-mindedness and fresh thinking. Together, we collaborate towards a common goal. Your feedback helps me to identify possible strategies and ways towards careful planning better. Your personality, your individual needs, your body and mind are in the limelight of the training strategy. Let’s take future training decisions as a team.
3. Quality
I value highly movement quality over quantity. Correct implementation and solid alignment of the training input are my first star aims.